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Sims Motherlode Mac

If you are a fan of The Sims 4, you must be enjoying this god-playing game by controlling how your Sims look, act, dress and live out their days in the little universe you create on your own. But the fun doesn’t just stop here.

The Sims 3 (Mac) Cheats. The Sims 3 cheats, Passwords, Glitchs, and Codes for Mac. Motherlode: While on the lot, entering this will give you $50,000. Moveobjects on/off: With this On, it. Death.toggle - Turns death off so that your Sims don't die. FreeRealEstate On - This will make all homes in the neighborhood free. You should be able to enter it in the neighborhood view. FreeRealEstate Off - This reverses the previous cheat. Motherlode - Deposits 50,000 Simoleons. Kaching - Deposits 1,000 Simoleons. Rosebud - Deposits 1,000. The current generation of gamers grew up playing “The Sims,” whether they loved building, creating sims, or removing the pool ladder. Alex Crowley, a SCAD graduate with a BFA in interactive design and game development, said “Looking back on 20 years of Sims, I find it easy to say that it’s been a rather large part of my gaming foundation. Effect Code; 50,000 simoleans: motherlode: Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles. Boolprop constrainFloorElevation false: Alots any amount of money you desire to any sim family (remove parenthesis in the family's last name and replace the XXXX's with any amount you want).

What’s making the game more gratifying is that you could use some cheat codes (yes, EA actively encourages it) to gain instant wealth, happiness, skills… Anything and everything you need to escalate your way to the dream high life.

Here in this post, we have compiled a list of The Sims 4 cheat codes that work on Windows PC, Mac, PS4, XBox One to help you reap more fun out of this insanely popular life-simulation game. Check it out… Syncovery 8 61b.

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How to cheat on The Sims 4

In order to enter the cheats included in this article, you’ll first have to bring up the Sims 4 cheat dialog box.

Here is how to open the cheat dialog box on different platforms:

Enable cheat on Windows PC

On your keyboard, press Ctrl, Shift and C at the same time. This will fire up the cheat dialogue box where you can enter the cheats. After typing each cheat, press Enter.

Enable cheat on Mac

On your keyboard, press Command Shift and C at the same time. Ploytec usb asio driver 2.8.40. This will fire up the cheat dialogue box where you can enter the cheats. After typing each cheat, press Enter.

Enable cheat on console (PS4/Xbox One)


If you’re playing The Sims 4 on PS4/Xbox One, then you need to hold all four shoulder buttons at once. This will fire up the cheat dialogue box where you can enter the cheats. After typing each cheat, press Enter.

Most helpful cheats for The Sims 4

1. Shift + Click Sims 4 cheats

For the cheats that are marked as “shift click”, you’ll be required to enter “testingCheats true” or “testingCheats on” in the chat menu in order to use them. This command also enables you to unlock the Shift Click options as follows:

For the cheats that are marked as “shift click”, you’ll be required to

  • (For Windows/Mac): enter “testingCheats true”
  • (For PS4): Press X and O at the same time
  • (For Xbox One): Press A and B at the same time.

in the chat menu in order to unlock further cheat options, which are listed as follows:

  • Shift-click on an area of ground then select Teleport Sim to teleport a Sim to that chosen location.
  • Shift-click on an object then select Make Dirty or Make Clean to change its status.
  • Shift-click on a Sim or object then select Reset Object to reset its status if it’s glitchy or stuck.
  • Shift-click on the Sim then select Cheat Need to make your Sim happy and feel fulfilled.
  • Shift-click on a Sim then choose Disable Need Decay to stop changing its needs (choose Enable to allow changing needs).
  • Shift-click on a Sim then choose Make head to put an object on top of your Sim.
  • Shift-click on a Sim and select Modift in CAS to modify a Sim but not change its name or traits.
  • Shift-click on a Sim and choose Add to Family or Remove from Family to add/remove a Sim to/from a household.
  • Shift-click a Sim and choose Make into Plant Sim to transform the selected Sim into a plant person.
  • [first and last names of Sim 1] ‘[first and last names of Sim 2]

If you wish to turn off these menu options, you can enter “testingCheats false” or “testingCheats off”.

2. The Sims 4 money cheats

Perhaps the most important cheat of all is the money cheat. Let’s face it: why work our way from rags when we can start at the top? Use the cheats below, and you will gain as much cash as your heart desires.

3. The Sims 4 build and buy mode cheats

4. The Sims 4 Skill Cheats

Sims Motherlode Mac

While it’s good for our Sims to build up their skills the natural way, sometimes we just can’t help giving them a little boost. The following cheats allow you to max out your Sim’s skill level in particular areas (as shown in bold).

Most skill cheats follow a basic syntax (although there are some variations): stats.set_skill_level (skillname) (level from 1-10 if it’s a major skill; level from 1-5 if it’s a minor skill).

For example, if you want to max out your Sim’s charisma, you can enter stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10. Or if you don’t want your Sim to completely master the skill, you can change the number 10 to a lower value (1-9).

5. The Sims 4 friendship and romance cheats

The following cheat codes allow you to make or break your Sim’s relationship.

Motherlode Sims 4 Ps4

As you can see, the number 100 is a percentage. You can change the value from 1 to 100 to specify the extent of the relationship. The minus sign before the number denotes that the relationship is in a negative way.

6. The Sims 4 vampire cheats

Below is a list of vampire cheats that allow you to transition your Sim into a vampire, give them power points, unlock powers and increase skills.

7. The Sims 4 life/death/ghost cheats With cheats, the Sim’s world is your oyster. And this includes exercising control over your little Sim pal’s life!
The following cheats are miscellaneous ways for you to put an end to your Sim’s life as well as resurrecting it.

8. Sims 4 UI cheats

You can also use the following UI cheats to tweak your gameplay settings.

There you go – a list of the most helpful The Sims 4 cheats to help you cheat in Sims 4. What cheats did you use? Are there other cheat codes you wish to unlock? Please leave us a comment below. Thanks for reading.

The Sims 4 motherlode cheat is a popular one for players who want to add unlimited money to the game. It is one of the easiest cheats and one of the cheats which have been in the game the longest.

Before you use the motherlode cheat in the Sims 4, you first need to make sure you turn cheats on.

If you would like to get a weekly newsletter featuring our Sims 4 tutorials, news, speculation, CC picks and a YouTube round-up sign up to our Sims 4 newsletter over here.

Motherlode Command Sims 4

Pptx to video converter for mac. To turn cheats on in The Sims 4, you need to open the cheats console. You can open the cheats console “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your PC or Mac, while in-game.

This will bring up the cheat dialogue box where you can enter cheats. Don’t forget to press “Enter” after typing in a cheat. Before you use your cheat, type testingcheats true into the dialogue box and hit enter.

Sims 4 cheats guide: motherlode explained

After turning cheats on, all you have to do is type motherlode into the cheats box and hit enter.

What the motherlode cheat does: Once entered, it will add 50 000 Simoleons to your household funds. You can repeat this as many times as you like.

Sims Motherlode Mac
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